Friday, January 8, 2010

Long time no blog....

Wow, can it really be 4 months since I last blogged. Where does the time go????What a crazy end to 2009. We had a wonderful Christmas! Oklahoma was blessed with snow on Christmas Eve this year (14 inches). The most snow on record in Central Oklahoma. It was great to have a white Christmas and very special for Nana and Papa who had never experiences a white Christmas!
The down side was that the entire state practically shut down for days and we were stuck in the house for most of the two week Christmas break. We ventured out for a few movies and a play date or two, otherwise Mommy would have gone absolutely MAD!
Now here we are already a week into the new year! I am trying to get the house market ready this month, so I will be in a cleaning tizzy! We are excited at the thought of being closer to our Texas family and friends, but getting very sad about the idea of leaving our Oklahoma friends. I can't believe our time here is almost at an end!
Enjoy some great pics from the end of the year! Happy 2010!!!

1 comment:

C.Thompson said...

Good luck getting the house market ready. I bet you are so excited. Good luck and fingers crossed that you sell quickly.

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