Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Starting First Grade and other things...

Well it has been two weeks since my baby started first grade at Centennial Elementary. Originally she was in class with several of our neighbors children and although she was thrilled with that situation I had my reservations. Luckily, for me, there were too may kids in each class and Gabby was randomly picked (or as we think - kicked out by her teacher for talking too much!) to go into Ms. Kysar, the new 1st grade teachers, class. I really like this new teacher and hope that our second start to the year is a bit less trouble!

Jackson has also started school again. He is still at First Presbyterian, but will go three days this year. After ending last year happy we are starting this year full of tears again! I was hoping since it was the same school we would remember how much fun he had and enjoy school. Unfortunately, he finds mommy to be more fun and I feel awful bringing him to school these days.

Gabby has also started cheer leading at Twist and Shout! She loves it and looks forward to going every week! Jackson on the other hand has started Karate! He has only gone two times, but her really seems to like it as well. If only he would listen a little and not practice his moves on his sister!

Will try to get better at posting more often now that school is in full swing!

Pool Party

Pool Party