Monday, October 20, 2008

We've been BOO-ed!

One of our neighbors started a really cute trick - Boo-ing! You make a basket of treats and take it to a neighbors house, ring the bell and run. Inside the basket are directions for you to BOO two other people that have not been boo-ed yet (all that have been boo-ed hang a sign on their door). So the kids and I made our baskets this morning and headed out to boo a few of our neighbors that had yet to experience the fun!

On another note I took the kids in to the doctor today for a follow up to Jackson's pneumonia and while I was there had them check over Gabby. Yeah, they are both healthy again! We will be monitoring Jackson over the next few months to see if we need to change his asthma medications, but for now at least all is well.

Today is the last day of fall break (and may I say YEAH!) It has been a fun long weekend, but the kids (and I) are ready for our schedule back. The kids are napping now and then we will head outside to enjoy the last of the GORGEOUS weather with a few of our friends. We are due for our first cold front on Wednesday! I am really not ready for winter!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Visit to Orr Family Farms!

Today was a perfect fall day! We took a trip to Moore, Oklahoma to a working farm! At the farm we were able to visit with a few animals, we had a lesson on pumpkins, took a train ride, a hay ride and picked pumpkins. The kids had a great time and are crashed out right now.

Today through Monday happen to be fall break at the kids schools, so we are trying to find some fun activities to keep us busy. These are the days when I remember why it is I chose to stay at home with the kids. I really wish Carl could have been with us to enjoy this day, but he is taking tomorrow off to spend the day "playing" with us. We are planning on going to Frontier City to enjoy "Fright Fest" and maybe even check out another pumpkin farm in Arcadia.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sweet Revenge

If you read the blog below you know that our yard was "flagged" by our neighbors who are big OU fans. Well after they flagged our yards, they left town for the game. As you all know UT WON!!! So, we had to get the Peters back! See the picture below of the Fall decorations at the Peters home! HEEHEE!!!! I can't wait to see there faces when they get back this afternoon!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hook 'Em!

In our neighborhood we have several people from Texas who follow the Longhorns and of course several that are Sooner fans. I put out our Texas flag the other day in anticipation for the big game. This morning my phone started ringing off the hook from a few neighbors, I was in the middle of getting dressed and missed the first few. I finally made it to the phone and my friend Shala asks me if I have gone outside to look at my yard yet! Apparently our dear friends the Peters (big OU fans) had flagged our and several other neighbors yards. It was really funny! I am SO thankful for my friends here in Oklahoma. It has really helped to have such great neighbors/friends especially when your family is so far away.

Anyway, we are all getting together tomorrow to watch the game. I really hope UT wins so we can get Amy and Scott's yard on Saturday night before they get back from the game!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Picture Day

It's been a while since I posted any pictures, so I thought I would take some time to get a few pictures downloaded while Jack is sleeping!
Here is Daddy and his little helper fixing the lawn mower!
Gabby's tooth, before it was "fixed".
Daddy and Jackson rockin' with Guitar Hero!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sick again

Jackson has been extremely moody lately and not acting himself. I finally decided this morning that I was going to take him to the doctor to make sure he was okay, thinking maybe he had an ear infection. Well his ears are fine, but the doc said his chest sounded really bad. To fill you in Jackson has allergy induced asthma and twice a year he seems to have chest issues, but I really was not thinking this was one of those times. I was wrong! After a chest x-ray (which he was not thrilled about) the doc told us that Jackson has either a bad case of Bronchitis or Pneumonia. She is sending the office x-ray to have them read by the hospital radiologist to make sure. So, now we have his allergy medicine, an antibiotic, a steroid and his asthma medicine to take! OH, AND DID I MENTION CARL LEFT TOWN THIS AFTERNOON -- AGAIN!

Oh the joys! At least this week we can try to get in bed early since daddy isn't home.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I have to share....

I am so proud of my beautiful niece Lauren. This is her senior year at New Braunfels High School and she has really blossomed into an absolutely gorgeous girl both inside and out. Check out some pics of her at The Smile House Blog. Lauren, keep up the good work. This is a big year...keep you head on straight and keep reaching for your goals. I love and miss you!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Very Brave Girl!

Wednesday was Gabby's big day at the dentist! I picked Gabby up from school early and took her out for a big lunch, thinking she would not be interested in eating that evening. We met Carl at the dentist's office right before her appointment and Gabby was in a great mood. Dr. Rudd aka. Tim (our dentist and neighbor) wanted to try to do the procedure without Carl or I in the room. So we sat in the waiting room for a few minutes and hear a scream of panic and crying! Much like her mother she is none to fond of Novocain! Anyway, after that she did GREAT! She came home that evening and wanted to play on the computer (daddy bought her a new webkinz for being so brave) and we even took a walk around the neighborhood!

Thursday she got to talk about the experience to her class and even let some of the kids touch her bonded tooth. She is a real trooper and we were very proud of her.

Pool Party

Pool Party